| 1. | But at present china ' s tanker fleet ca n ' t at all undertake the mission of oil import shipping 但我国目前油轮船队根本不能承担起进口原油运输的任务。 |
| 2. | Cosco group ' s tanker fleet development is also confronted with challenges from domestic same trade 另外,中远集团发展油轮船队还要面对来自国内同行业的竞争。 |
| 3. | The thesis also describes the classification of chemical tankers and the status of chemical tanker fleet 然后,阐述了化学品船的分类以及化学品船队的发展状况。 |
| 4. | On the base of these discussion mentioned above , the thesis brings forward cosco ' s tanker fleet development policy 在以上研究的基础上,论文提出了中远集团油轮船队发展策略。 |
| 5. | The aim of this thesis is to discuss and inquire into the development target fleet structure and development procedure for cosco ' s future tanker fleet 撰写本论文的主要目的就是从中远油轮船队的现状出发,结合市场及竞争态势的分析,研究和探讨中远油轮船队发展的目标、船队结构及发展步骤等具体问题。 |
| 6. | In the year 2000 , cosco set such a developing strategy for its tanker fleet ; based on china ' s oil import shipping , seeking business opportunity worldwide , and putting the emphasis on large tanker fleet development 2000年,中远集团确定了立足我国进口原油运输,面向世界寻求商机,重点发展大型油轮船队的方针。 |
| 7. | But presently , china ' s tanker fleet ca n ' t at all undertake the mission of oil import shipment , and as a result , foreign tanker fleets mainly occupied the deep - sea transportation of china ' s oil imports 但中国目前的油轮船队根本不能承担起进口原油运输的任务,进口原油运输主要被外轮所占据。在这种情况下,中远集团决定发展vlcc船队。 |
| 8. | So far , china ' s large oil carrier has still been a blank space . generally speaking , domestic tanker fleet tonnage is rather small and ship age tends to be too old . what is more , many old - age tanker have extended service 迄今为止,我国的大型油轮仍是一片空白,国内油轮普遍船舶吨位偏小、船龄偏大,许多老龄船舶已超期服役,很难与国际船队相抗衡。 |
| 9. | The steady expansion of oil import shipping market has provided sufficient cargo resource guarantee for developing the national - class ocean tanker fleet , and the right moment for china ' s shipping industry to develop tanker fleet has matured 原油成品油进口运输市场的不断扩大为发展国家级远洋油轮船队提供了充足的货源保障,中国航运企业发展油轮的时机已经成熟。 |
| 10. | What sort of tanker fleet we should develop , so we can seize the opportunity , participate in the competition of future sea borne oil market and obtain the best economic benefit , this is an important problem confronting ocean shipping company in china 发展什么样的远洋油轮船队,以把握机遇,参与未来原油成品油进口市场的竞争,获得最大的经济收益,是摆在中国远洋运输企业面前的重大课题。 |